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6 channel sond installation on sports dynamics 

Lux - Helsinki (Fin)- 08th - 12th January 2025

Créations sonores environnementales

Espaces Sonores I Art sonore in situ I Site specific I Parcours sonore I Soundwalk I Création sonore I Spatialisation du son I Art en Espaces Publics

environmental sound creations

Espaces Sonores I Art sonore in situ I Site specific I Parcours sonore I Soundwalk I Création sonore I Spatialisation du son I Art en Espaces Publics

The originality of the Espaces Sonores company comes from its radical approach to the composition of sound and music, wherein there is always a direct link to the spaces where the work will he heard


Working in conjunction with sound ecology, Espaces Sonores proposes sonic and musical creations which listen to the world, respecting the integrity of the sonic environment while re-composing it contextually


Whether the starting point be a journey, or sonic siestas, or audio walks, our desire is to share these sensory experiences, transforming and refining our modes of perception and even our relationship to the world in a lasting way… this is a truly synesthetic experience where listening opens the body and the awareness of the spectator to other perceptions of his world, and helps him to better understand his position in it.

On the border between listening to the soundscape and "in situ" compositions, in the porosity proposed by a work who rubs the real, Stéphane MARIN's artistic, ecological and spiritual paths approching each day a little closer to the silence.

Phonography- Fied recording - Topophony -

Radiophony - Close contact listening...


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© 2012-202 I Espaces Sonores I Stéphane Marin

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