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Soundscaping and ecological sound nap


" I like music to be alive to the song of the wind on the plain and be open to the perfumes of the night."

V. Jankélévitch

Élemental is a sonic installation based on recordings of environmental sounds (field recording), highlighting the indigenous musicality of nature’s sounds and in particular evoking the 4 elements (earth, air, water, fire).This binaural creation is conceived as a sonic excursion taken in a seated position. The listening takes place while you are comfortably settled in a deckchair. Cinematically, our ears follow the steps which lead us to an encounter with the diversity of the natural sonic world (snow, scree, tall grass…)

From the pastures of the Pyrenees to the Malaysian jungle, from the corsican coast to the Burmese lakes, there is only one step, which only the ear can take!


This invitation to listen to the world is also an invitation to silence…a space-time open to everyone, given over to the listening to the biodiversity of the sonic world, where silence is the species which together we try to protect.


Élémentaire can be seen as a live creation in progress, where recordings which have been taken from the surface of your area can be used.

The sonic “harvesting” (from 3 days to 2 weeks according to the scale of the project) is carried out before the presentation (at least 4 days before).


The specific auscultation of each terrain is adapted so as to best harmonise with its sonic geography.In order to capture the sonic essence of spaces, we use traditional professional microphones (coupled stereo mikes, shotgun mikes) as well as non-conventional microphones such as binaural in-ear microphones, contact microphones or hydrophones and microphones using magnetic fields… These various listening instruments enable us to hear sounds which were previously inaudible and to literally plunge deep within them so as to experience an extraordinary sound reality. 


The re-writing of the sound track (1 or 2 days) can be carried out on site or in our studio.​




20 to 40 deckchairs / 20 to 40  audio players / 20 to 40 acoustic ear-muffs

15 usb led light

The sound track lasts for 30 minutes



160 to 320 p. / day



Elemental was first performed on 08/06/2013 à Bondy as part of the "24h de la bio-diversitéen Seine-St-Denis"

Ville de Bondy / Conseil Général de Seine St Denis.

It was re-made on the 25/05/2014 for the site on the l’Île Raymond (humid zone) in Paillet, Gironde

Communauté de Communes du Vallon de l’Artolie / AGENDA 21 / Conseil Général de la Gironde;

and on the 28/06/2014 in partnership with the PAEN of the Prade de Canohès,

Communauté d'Agglomérations de Perpignan Méditerranée / Conseil Général des Pyrénées Orientales;

in July 2016 at the occasion of I Sulleoni Festivale - Bastia - Corsica - mediteranean version.

In May 2018, it was re-created as a soundwalk  at

Jardin des Plantes - MNHN - Fête de la Nature - Paris.

Elemental met the ears of publics at:

Station de lagunage de Rochefort - CG Charente Maritime;

ZAT - parc de Malbosc - Montpellier;

"Art & Dégustation's" cruise on Le Landon's barge  -  Les Grands Chemins en Minervois;

Domaine de Chamarande - contemporary art center  - CG Essone;

 Tour du Valat - parc régional nauturel de Camargue - Festival les Envies-Rhônnements;

Jardin des Plantes - "Musiques et jardins" - CDMC - Paris ;

24 representations at CCAS camping - EDF-GDF - France;

Centre Culturel L'Uorbu / Bastia;

AN - Festival des Arts Numériques - Saint Orens de Gameville;

Le Cube - Centre de création numérique - Issy-les-Moulineaux;

Domaine de Méreville & Cheptainville  forest- Dedans - Dehors, Théâtre de Bretigny;

Médiatèque d'Auch - Semaine du Son;

Festival des Musiques Démesurées -Clermont Ferrand;

Festival Inspirations végétales de la Ville de Montrouge,

  Festival Les Contre-plongées - Ville de Clermont-Ferrand.










Territories projects

Territories projects





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