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a live shared and in situ re_COMPOSITION of the soundscape

re_COMPOSED re_ALITY offers a group of walking listeners to explore a synthesis between a ‘pure’ form of listening to the environment (with no headphones) and a heightened listening experience (using open headphones). At the frontier of field-recording, electro-acoustic music, and soundwalk, this live experience re-composes the sonic landscape. During this walk, a field re_cordist, a Soundscape re_composer, and a Listening Guide will accompany the listeners, subtly suggesting through their performances ways and directions of listening. They bring us into more direct and more intimate contact with sound-filled objects, and, step by step, they evolve a sound-scape from sonic patterns to be shared with the listeners. From this communal experience a sonic landscape takes form, where previously we heard only noise…


The spectacular real-time sound-gathering is carried out by a “sound recordist” (aka the “Sounds Giver”). This second artist, “armed” with a number of microphones, as well as non-conventional microphones (hydrophones, contact mikes, magnetic-field mikes, parabolic...) takes us into the sound-heart of matter, picking up resonances buried within diverse objects, or sounds inaudible to our naked ears.

The sounds are transmitted instantaneously by HF links to the re_COMPOSER who re_composes in real time a sonic landscape using different audio streams. He is also equipped with binaural microphones meaning he can enable his listeners to share his point of hear !


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This contextual live composition of a sonic landscape also subtly mixes in, through RF headphones, the real in situ soundscape. The “open” headphones allow ambient noise to pass through, and the whole of the sonic reality of the exterior space finds expression and takes its place within the overall experience: through this transformed way of listening the real world becomes the soloist in this environmental music. The whole audio experience creates, via in situ spaces, new sound relationships and unexpected musicality; and brings a whole new way of experiencing the reality of the acoustic environment.





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Evolving calmly and attentively in these spaces, the listeners themselves become the subjects of a curious performance, a group of listening walkers silently questioning the uses of these transfigured, stunning public spaces.


This device sharpens all perceptions in a synesthetic way. It entirely re-locates listeners at the heart of the spaces crossed. From this intimate listening to places emerges during the performance new sound geography, original and sensitive representation of these public spaces developed in situ together.





20 to 30 FM receivers 

20 to 30 open headphones

20 to 30 amplified anti noises headphones/


Performance length

= 45 minutes to 1 hour


GAUGE = 20 to 30 persons (maxi)

2 to 3 performance / day (maxi)

= 60 to 90 persons / day 






"re_COMPOSED re_ALITY"  was created the 23/09/2017 at "Cube : centre de création numérique" - Issy-Les-Moulineaux  at the occasion of the Happy Cube Day.

It has been shared at the occasion of two workshops  "re_COMPOSING the re_ALITY" 

with Master students of École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image de Poitiers (ÉESI) in  December 2017

then with Master students of École Nationale Supérieure d'Art et de Design de Dijon (ENSAD) in  December 2019. 


the Sound(s) giver :

pali meursault

the re_COMPOSER :

Stéphane Marin

the Listening(s) Guide:

Emeric Renard




Awards :

2015 - DICRéAM - CNC - Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée.

2014 -TOULOUS'UP ! - Mairie de Toulouse.

Artistic residency :

2017 -Maison Salvan - Espace d'Art contemporain - Labège

2017 -Lieu Multiple -  EMF - Poitiers

2016- 2017 -Le Cube - Centre de création numérique - Issy-les-Moulineaux

2015 -La Fabrique Sonore - Aubervilliers.

2015 - Xpedit - Toulouse.



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